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Sri Sathya Sai Baba Teachings



Discourses at Sai Sruti
Kodaikanal during April 1996

Chapter 14  ·  Contents  ·  Chapter 16


Before creation there was nothing but darkness everywhere. Later on, there was rainfall for many years after which rays of light appeared from among the clouds. Sound became evident, that which one hears from within the spiritual heart when one closes his eyes and listens. This sound was created first, and with it small vibrations. Some vibrations could be heard and others could not be heard. For example, when our eyelids flutter there is sound even though it cannot be heard by the human ear. The sound that was created by these vibrations spread all over. For example, if you throw a stone in water, it will make continuously spreading waves, similar to these spreading sound vibrations created in space. We do not know how or from where these vibrations started in the atmosphere, and we do not understand the results of these vibrations. From the vibrations in the atmosphere, the wind was created, and from wind, heat was created. As a result of the friction between the sound waves and the wind, heat was created; from heat, water was formed. When one has a fever, perspiration results when the fever is reduced. This is like the relationship between
heat and water. Water is denser than fire. As water becomes more and more dense, it becomes the earth element. Sky or akasha is prevalent everywhere — above, below, around. After water was created, earth was created. By mixing of water and earth, more aspects were created. The earth became like a container to hold the water. As the heat decreased, the liquid hardened to form rocks. The studies about this are called physics. From physics, botany developed, and then zoology. From botany and zoology, biology developed.

From space, sound was created, from air, wind was created, then heat, water, and earth. In the beginning these were not mixed together, but later when they were combined, life was formed.

The three primary colours are red, blue and yellow, and when they combine we get the other colours. The sky is blue. Sri Krishna also is blue-complexioned by birth. He has the colour blue because He is all-pervasive like the sky.

During creation, sound was formed first. Everything was created from sound, including the huge stars. When a huge star breaks up, small stars are formed. There are millions of stars, but scientists are aware of only a few galaxies such as the Milky Way where many stars are close together. The basis for all of this creation is consciousness.

Wherever there is vibration there is sound. When one breathes, there is sound; sound is all-pervasive. Wherever there is magnetism, there is electricity. The Earth is a magnet, therefore electricity is created from the earth. The human body is also a magnet. In Sanskrit, body is called deha, and nature is desha. Scientists talk .about the law of nature, and Manu (a learned sage) also speaks about the law of nature. If there is a rose flower, there must also be a Creator who has created it. It is incorrect to say that the rose's existence is due to the law of nature. For everything, there is a Creator.

The swan is able to separate and drink milk from a mixture of milk and water. Near the beak of the swan is a chemical which enables it to separate the milk. So says the scientist. But who created this chemical near the beak of the swan? Who has done this? Everything has a creator. One should not forget that there is a creator for all these things. Use the law of nature but don't break it. Lord Buddha said:

Buddham Sharanam Gachhami,
Sangham Sharanam Gachhami,
Dharmam Sharanam Gachhami.

Cultivate wisdom and discrimination by using the intelligence (buddhi). Live in the society (sangham) as per its laws, and adhere to, take refuge in Righteousness (Dharma). One should follow the good example of others, rather than following only the pleasure seekers. Buddhi, sangham and Dharma were created for the sake of society. Why do we prepare food? The body requires nourishment and energy. Similarly if one sows good qualities in the community, the community becomes good.

The sun has 98% hydrogen and 2% helium. Both are gases and the heat is controlled by these gases. If helium were not there, the earth would have been destroyed by the heat. There is a relationship between the sun and the earth. Earth is the daughter of the sun, and moon is the daughter of the earth. Moon has no life on it. The life form that exists on earth does not exist on other planets. Ice, fire and water are all alive. The life forms that live and die in the water are different from the life forms that exist in other elements. The life forms in each element are unique. The life forms on earth are not like those found in water, fire or air. The life form that exists throughout the entire world is the Atma. God is in the earth and He is also in all of the five elements. The earth has five qualities: smell, taste, form, touch and sound. The earth is heaviest. Water has four qualities: taste, smell, touch and sound. Fire has three qualities: form, touch and sound. Air has two qualities: touch and sound. And ether has one quality: sound. As ether has only one quality, sound, it is all-pervasive. God is beyond any of these qualities and elements so He is able to be all-pervasive.

There are no flying saucers. The man-made satellites consist of three parts — frontal, middle and back portions. When the satellite goes very fast, the rear portion becomes detached, breaks and falls into the sea. People who see these think they are flying saucers. The satellites made by scientists do not last very long. What is permanent is created by God and is called Truth; all the rest are impermanent.

God created sound first, which is the primordial pranava.From this primordial sound, Om, other sounds emanated. Om or the primordial sound is the basis for all of creation. If we speak concisely about it, ether is infinite, but the created is finite.

April 20, 1996

Chapter 16

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