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Sri Sathya Sai Baba Miracles

  Miracle Trip to India January 2003

Message posted in [SatGuru Discussion], an online forum on Feb 13, 2003

To: SaiDISC@yahoogroups.com
From: "Aphrodite Miniotis" <saimantra@...>
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2003 22:50:02 +0000
Object: Re: [SatGuru Discussion] Digest Number 1156

SAi Ram dear Ever-ONE!
Below is the story of the miracle of her husband's healing as told by
Bernice Mead.
I have been waiting for her confirmation that the surgery was in fact
cancelled and it has come with this message.
I was in this interview with my group (the four Canadian ladies)
Everything is as Bernice describes, except for an additional detail
which Ron most likely does not remember because at the time he was feeling
anxious and  trying to tell Swami that he had made a mistake etc.....

The detail is this: As soon as Ron sat on the chair which the student
had brought for him, Swami pointed to Ron and said to the rest of us:"Lung
cancer". At the same time Ron was saying: "Swami there has been a
mistake.....etc." and Swami before responding, once again pointed to
Ron and repeated: "Lung Cancer". Swami told the group that Ron had lung cancer
before Ron ever got to the private room.. and then all the  rest

Very very happy!
Thank you SWami....
with love,

Date: 2/8/03 10:41:00 AM

The following is the story of Baba healing Bernice Mead's husband, Ron,
as told by Bernice.


On December 26th 2002, Ron was diagnosed with lung cancer. It was then
decided that we would take a pilgrimage to have darshan with our Lord
before he went into surgery the end of January. So on January the 15th
we began our journey via Malaysia Airlines and arrived on the 18th which
was Ron's 73rd birthday.

On Friday, the 24th, Swami called several ladies from my section (arch
2) for an interview. One was a lady from Germany, 4 from Canada. He also
called some ladies from Croatia and Belgium. When the lady from
Germany got to the veranda, she tried to wave someone from the men's
side for the interview, but no one came. When Swami got to the veranda, he
asked her again where this person was so with another lady's help they began
waving desperately for this man to come. Then Swami got into the act
and he began to wave. The crowd was delighted and laughed.

Well, Ron was watching this from the men's side and thought "may be
that lady was Berniece", and since no one responded, he decided he'd go to
the veranda and if it wasn't wife, then he'd just turn around and go

When he got up to go, the people clapped again because they were happy
that the man had finally responded. But Ron realized his mistake when he got
to the veranda and Berniece wasn't there so he tried to turn around and go
back, but Swami waved him to come and sit down so the seva dals made
sure he went and sat down. Ron tried to explain to them that he had made a
mistake, but since Swami motioned for him to come, the seva dals wouldn't listen
to Ron's report. When Swami told Ron to come in, there were 2 doctors that
had to help him off the floor as he couldn't get up by himself. When he
reached the interview door, he told Swami, "Swami, I've made a mistake", and
Swami just pulled him by the arm into the interview room and said "Go"! No
mistakes, right?

Swami had a college boy get Ron a chair to sit on, and then he asked
Ron, "Where is your wife?" Ron said, "I've made a mistake, she's outside".
Then Swami said, "I wonder how that happened". (Who's the Director? I
think we all know that one.)

Swami began to make several materializations, and made Ron a diamond

He took Ron into the private interview room and wanted to know why he
had come. Ron thanked Him for helping him with Jay (Ron goes inside
frequently to ask about medications and what treatment best for Jay.), and then he
told Swami he had lung cancer. Swami began working on him immediately. He
wrote in the air and said He was sending green light. When they emerged into
the main interview room, Swami announced to everyone, "He has lung cancer,
and I have just cured him." Everyone was happy and began to clap.

Swami made vibhutti and lovingly folded it into a paper and placed it
in Ron's shirt pocket, then told him to take it in water 3 times a day for
3 days, and to rub some on his chest. At the end of 3 days cancer would
be gone. He was very loving and gave Ron some personal advice and Ron is
very happy, and we are both very happy. Surgery is cancelled and the drama
continues. More doctors being called in and more questions to answer.

Jai Sai Ram!

--- Rev. Robert E. Pipes
--- revrepipes@...
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