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Sri Sathya Sai Baba Articles

  Anil Kumar's Sunday Satsang at Prasanthi Nilayam
August 27, 2000

Om Sai Ram

The Sunday Talk given by Anil Kumar August 27th, 2000

Table of Contents

(I) Talk: Resolving Doubts on Dualism:

Sakshi (Witness)
God has no Witness. He is One-without-a-second.
Clay, Pot and Potter
Divine Identity Is Required to Merge
On Bhagavan’s Humility
The Three Schools of Philosophy Are Three Complementary Steps
Flower – Unripe Fruit – Ripe Fruit

(II) Selected Stories from Sunday’s Talk

I am serving you!
The A-B-C-D of Some Teachers
Invitation to Kazakhstan!
Lessons from the Prime Minister of Nepal
What is the meaning of VIP according to Swami?
Nothing is permanent, even with Swami.
Follow the command. Get your desires fulfilled.
"I shall not forsake you, even if you forsake Me."
Where there’s a will, there’s a way.
Bhagavan is our Parent.
We may forget, but He never forgets.
God remembers everybody and He cares for us.
They live in trust.
How women are superior to men
Where there is love, there is unconditional sacrifice, unconditional service, and nothing is expected in return.

(I) Talk: Resolving Doubts on Dualism

Today Anil Kumar continued to relate the stories of various recent stories and conversation devotees have had with Swami. He began by relating a recent incident, which followed a talk given by a scholar on dualism. In dualism we think of the devotee and God as separate. The devotee never merges into God. There’s nothing like oneness. So the individual and the Divine are separate. This is what is called dualism.

After this speaker finished his talk, there was no time for a question and answer session to answer the doubts of any of the listeners. So Anil Kumar brought his questions to the darshan line and Swami:

Bhagavan started inquiring about the guest speaker: "What did he speak?" We said some of the points that the scholar spoke. Swami said, "Yes, yes, nice, nice." But as Anil Kumar had some doubts, he wanted to ask Swami. Swami mischievously said, "You’ll find the speaker sitting over there. You go and ask him. Why don’t you ask him?"

"Swami, the speaker didn’t find time to clarify my doubts. He didn’t call for any question and answer session…I too have some doubts."

Swami said, "What is the doubt?"

"The doubt is this: The speaker mentioned three words – clay or mud, pot and the potter. But he has not said what they stand for. What is the clay? What is the pot? Who is the potter? What has it got to do with the Vedanta of dualism?" I asked.

Swami said, "Come on, I take you to him. You talk to him."

Then Swami asked, "What else?"

"Swami, the speaker said that the devotee will never merge in the Divine according to dualistic philosophy. According to that school of thought, the individual does not find identity with the Divine. Then the speaker said that after death, a devotee shall not be born again."

And Swami said, "Then what?"

Then I said, "Swami, if he (the devotee) is not going to merge in God, if he is not going to be born again, where is he going to live? Suspension! Where is he? Either there or here? I don’t know."

He said, "You are here anyway!"

"My third doubt is this: Speaker also mentioned one word ‘sakshi’. ‘Sakshi’ means witness. He did not explain who is the witness. Who is the witness in me? What do you mean by witness? These are my three doubts," I said.

Out of His compassion, Swami clarified these doubts, which I wanted to share with you, in the reverse order. Bhagavan explains in such a way that you’ll not have doubts at any point of time. Easily you can follow.

(1) Sakshi

Swami explained ‘sakshi’ in the following way: There is a principle of ‘sakshi’ or witness in every one of us. Witness is the aspect which is unaffected by the experience. Witness is the experiencer. Experience and experiencer are separate. Seeing and seer are separate. Hearing and hearer or listener is separate. So, this sakshi, the witness in me, is the seer and not the seen. He is the hearer, but not hearing. That experiencer in me is the witness. The experiencer is Divine. The experiencer is unaffected by bumps and jumps in life. The experiencer is not affected by anything.

"What do You mean? I suffer. Why do You say I don’t experience suffering? I enjoy pie, donuts and all that. I like cool drinks and ice cream. Why do You say I don’t enjoy? What nonsense You speak?"

"I am not speaking any nonsense. There’s some sense in it. The experiencer appears as if he experiences because of the mind. It is only the mind that experiences – good experience-bad experience, praise-blame, profit-loss, elation-frustration, pride, ego, depression – that’s all the experience of the mind. But even the mind functions because of the witness, sakshi. There may be a state when mind does not function. A simple example: When you are in deep sleep in the night, when there are no dreams, nothing, there is witness. There is no mind. It is a no-mind state. What you also call annihilation of the mind or withdrawal of the mind or absence of the mind. It is only the mind that experiences. So when the witness is affected for the mind to function, it appears as if you are experiencing. Actually the witness does not experience. It is only the witness to different stages of experiences. It is the mind that is the cause, that is the response to different types of experiences."

(2) God has no Witness. He is One-without-a-second.

Now Baba said, "I have no witness."

Let us try to understand this statement: God is the witness in everyone. The witness in you, the witness in me, the witness in everyone, is God Himself. Who is the witness to God? No one. There’s nothing like ‘sakshi’ in the Divinity – no separate witness. When He is the witness in me, He has no other witness.

Another point: God is the One-without-a-second. Swami always tells this. Whenever Swami says, "God is only One", when I translate, immediately Swami says, "Not two. Not two. Only One. Not two." Why should He say, "Not two"? Because we are always dual. We are always divided. We’re always fragmented, segmented.

God is the witness in everyone and He has no other witness because He’s the One-without-a-second. He’s the only One-without-a-second. It’s a simple, innocent statement. It carries so much of depth, a profound statement.

(3) Clay, Pot and Potter

Then He looked at me and said, "What is your other doubt?"

I said, "Swami, what is clay? What is pot? Who’s the potter?

Swami said, "Clay or mud is nature or five elements. Pot is the individual, all of us. We are made out of the nature. The body is out of earth. There’s space inside. There’s fire inside. All the five elements are there in every one of us. So, we are made of clay, nature. After death, the whole thing will go back to nature.

So a pot is made out of clay. A pot you use again and again for years. When it falls, it breaks to pieces, again becomes clay, and again becomes pot. Pot, after breaking, becomes the clay once again. This is what we mean by birth and rebirth. Birth and death cycle. It gets repeated: clay-pot, pot-clay."

"Swami, where is the end for that?"

Swami said, "This pot has the name of a pot. This pot has a size. This pot has a lifetime, some period of existence between that period of its making and the period of its breaking, something like birth and death. Life is a span of time between birth and death. When once the pot forgets, gives up, the two, the name and form, it travels towards the potter (the Creator, God, Divine), which means man becomes one with God, Advaita, merger. Moksha, Nirvana, liberation, birthlessness, deathlessness, immortal. This immortality is possible by giving up the name and form so that the pot would become one with the potter. If it remains in the state of name and form, it moves towards the clay. But so long as these two subsist, nama and rupa, the pot travels to the clay, towards nature, the cycle of life and death."

(4) Divine Identity Is Required to Merge

The last question is this:

"Bhagavan, when there is no merger with the Divinity, when the individual is not born again, according to dualistic philosophy, what will happen to him?"

Bhagavan said, "It is a state when he has not evolved. He’s not towards the nature. He’s not towards God. He’s just undecided. He still requires awareness. He still requires that kind of sense of identity with the Divine. The moment that awareness is there, he merges with God."

Finally He said, "Why are you bothering about these questions? What is it you are asking? Leave it to Me."

"Huh? You gave me patience listening so long, and now you call me a fool to have asked these questions?"

Then Swami said, "According to My opinion…

(5) On Bhagavan’s Humility

See Swami’s humility. If you have to learn humility, you have to learn from Bhagavan. Swami always says, ‘I feel…’, ‘According to Me, …’, ‘In My opinion, …’ That’s what Swami always says. It is a respect to the individuals. It is respect for His own audience. Why? In you, He is present. So when He says, ‘In all respect…’ He’s respecting Himself. When He’s so considerate towards you, He is considerate towards Himself because He finds Himself in you. When don’t find ourselves in Him as yet because we have got our own preferences and choices. So, He finds Himself in all of us. He’s so considerate.

(6) The Three Schools of Philosophy Are Three Complementary Steps

What did Swami say? "In My opinion, the three schools of philosophy – dualism (Dvaita), qualified non-dualism (Vishishtadvaita), and non-dualism (Advaita) – they are the three steps, one leading to the other."

But actually in society, one fights with the other. The three will never meet. If a fellow looks at the face of another fellow from another school of philosophy, he takes bath immediately because it is inauspicious to look at the face! The three consider themselves separate. But here is Bhagavan who tells, "One leads to the other. One is the corollary of the other. One is the sequence to the other. One is the cause; other is the effect.

(7) Flower – Unripe Fruit – Ripe Fruit

Simple example: A flower becomes an unripe fruit. Unripe fruit becomes a ripe fruit. Three stages: A flower at one stage becomes an unripe fruit in the second stage, a tender fruit. And third stage is the ripe fruit with sweet juice in it. Unless there’s unripe fruit, you cannot get ripe fruit. Unless there is a flower, you cannot expect to get all. So it is dualism that leads to qualified non-dualism that ends in non-dualism. All the three are one.

"Swami, what a harmony it is! What integration it is! What a wonderful sequence of events it is!"

This is what Swami said: "Things are not agitated. Things are complementary, never contradictory." This we have to understand. Things are never contradictory. Things are always complementary in the sight of Bhagavan Baba.

(II) Selected Stories from Sunday’s Talk:

(1) I am serving you!

Sometime back a group of devotees asked Swami, "Swami, how shall we serve You? Swami said, "You don’t need to serve Me. I am serving you. What you are all seeking here, I come from long distance, walking all along, talking to you, and doing whatever you want. I am serving you. I don’t want your service."


(2) The A-B-C-D of Some Teachers

Some of the teachers are ABCD teachers:

Who are ABCD teachers?

First, A =Avoid

If any student asks a question, answer "This is not necessary for you! You learn it next year, next semester." Avoid.

Next, B=Bypass

If you are asked one thing, speak another thing. "Did you read that? Did you go through that? Were you present there?" Bypass.


Ask him again and again. If he puts a doubt, put the same doubt in active voice, passive voice, direct speech, indirect speech… use the word gimmicks. Confuse him. "I see you next time, Sir."


Tell them, "Last year’s batch is better than this batch!"


(3) Invitation to Kazakhstan!

Let me tell you of the latest visitor who is still here. The latest visitor who is here right now is the First Lady from Kazakhstan, with family members.

Swami said yesterday, "You see, the First Lady along with her children, she landed here in Puttaparti straight from Russia. They didn’t have any break anywhere. They gave instructions, ‘If the government thinks of it, let there be customs checking in Puttaparti Airport, not in Bombay or Bangalore.’ Chartered flight straight to this place!"

The same evening, Bhagavan gave them interview. And Swami walked and said one sentence. It is still ringing in my ears. "All of them want to take Me to their place, Kazakhstan! They said, ‘Swami, we are ready with this flight. Please join us. Let’s go!’ "

It’s their first time facing God, first time face-to-face. What a kind of inspiration, what a kind of impact, that made them feel painful when they think of separation from Him. So they want Baba to fly with them to Kazakhstan!


(4) Lessons from the Prime Minister of Nepal

Sometime back the Prime Minister from Nepal was here. Swami granted him an interview for about an hour. I have not seen a VIP, ‘very important person’, given that long an interview. It is because he is not only VIP, but he is also an ardent devotee.

That day I was there before time, thinking that Swami would come soon. But He came late. Then He said, "Today you are here before time!" I said, "Yes, I thought that You’ll be happy." He immediately said, "You’re here for darshan of Nepal Prime Minister, not for My darshan. You want to see Nepal Prime Minister, not Me, so you came before time. Have you seen him?"

What shall I say? "Yes, Swami, I have seen him."

"Very happy, good. So I will go. See, you have come to see him. You have seen him. So I’ll go," He said.

And He went there and gave him interview for one full hour. After that, you must have seen there on the verandah the movie cameras, the videos and all that.

Swami came slowly and then said, "Do you know what the Prime Minister asked?"

"What did he ask, Swami?"

"He said, ‘Swami, let me have a photo with you!’ "

I did not keep quiet. "Swami, what did you say?"

And Bhagavan replied, He told the Prime Minister, "You have a number of photos with you, number of photos along with heads of governments from all over the world. Why now photo with Me? Why?"

And then it seems Koirala, the Prime Minister said, " All photos with the heads of the governments from all over the world is one thing. And photo with Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is worth it, superior to the whole lot! This is another thing, Swami. I must have photo with You!"

"Oh, I see." And then Swami said, "Oh, what do you want?"

The Prime Minister said, "Swami, how I wish that I should be so young as to be a student of Sri Sathya Sai Primary School. How I wish to be a student here, enjoying Your company, enjoying Your jokes. But it’s too late. What can I do?" Then he said, "Swami, those who are here are very lucky because they have Your darshan morning and evening every day."

Bhagavan, in order to console him I think, said, "Why do you feel like that?" Prime Minister said, "Swami, we come once in a year, or we come here once in two years because we are so busy, pressure of work. But these people are here! They are luckier than all of us."

Swami said, "You have come here with all your heart, with all your devotion, with all your prayer, in all humility. Visit of that sort once is enough. Why many times? Spoonful of cow’s milk is enough. Why barrels of donkey milk?"

Of course I kept silent because to which category we belong to!


(5) ‘Guruji’

Then Swami said, "The Prime Minister visited Super-Specialty Hospital. There in the visitors’ book, he wrote in praise of the hospital. ‘You don’t find anywhere a hospital of this type, a hospital where treatment is given free-of-cost. Only hospital, unparalleled!’ praising to the skies, which is true. Towards the end, he wrote, ‘This hospital enjoys the blessings of Guruji.’ "

Swami in the interview room asked, "What? Guruji?"

"Yes, Swami."

"It has blessings of Guruji?"

"Yes, Swami."

"Who is your Guruji? Who is your Guru?"

"Swami, You are my Guru."

"Oh-ho. Then you can write ‘Sathya Sai Baba’. Why ‘Guruji’?"

And Prime Minister said, it seems, "Swami, we can tell the name of an equal. We can say ‘Tom, Dick, Harry, Anil…’ We can call people by name if they are our equals. You are our superior. You are God. How can I say ‘Sathya Sai Baba’, Swami? So I said, ‘Guruji’.

Then Bhagavan turned to us, all of us, and said, "That is the level of devotion of those people coming from foreign countries, from far-off places, whereas you Indians call ‘Rama’, ‘Krishna’, as if they are your next cousins! Look at these foreigners, what devotion they have! They say, "Bhagavan", "God", "Lord". See their devotion!"

It is a teaching to all of us that we cannot call Him by name, that is the Lord, that He is Bhagavan, which we have to learn.


(6) What is the meaning of VIP according to Swami?

Since this is a family gathering, I am sure that you do not misunderstand me if I tell you a naked truth: We feel VIP is ‘very important person’. But to Swami, VIP means ‘very insignificant person’. You may say, "How is it?"

When very important people according to our calculation, when they take important seats at one place, our Lord starts giving darshan from the other end. And He walks slowly, slower than usual. He delays and delays so that the VIP’s become restless, sitting on the gas stove or a Bunsen burner! He delays slowly, slowly, dead slow at times. He goes on collecting letters, asking, "Where is your letter?" when that fellow has been there with a letter for one month, nicely ignored! Beautifully neglected, conveniently left or dropped! He goes on standing there, materializing vibhuti, extra kind…


(7) Nothing is permanent, even with Swami.

Nothing is permanent with Swami. I am not a fool to think that there is a permanent place. No, I am not a fool. I am sufficiently mature. It’s a question of calendar. That’s all.


(8) Follow the command. Get your desires fulfilled.

One day Swami was mentioning the story where father commands the son to cut the head of the mother. The father, who is a sage, wants his son, Parasurama, to cut the head of the mother, Renuka. Father commanded him to do so. The son dutifully, immediately picks up the sword and chopped off the head of the mother. The father was so pleased and said, "Son, you followed my command. I grant you a boon now. What do you want?"

That son said, "Father, I have only one wish. Please bring my mother back to life. That’s all." So mother is resurrected, made alive.

That is the story Swami explained. But it carries a message for the benefit for every one of us. After telling this story where son follows the command of the father and got his wish fulfilled, these are the two words that Bhagavan used: (Two Telugu words which mean:) "Follow the command. Get your desires fulfilled." Observance of the command will help us to get our wish fulfilled. That is the message of Bhagavan.

Unfortunately, as it is 100% clear, we want the second without the first! The first, follow the command! ‘I am sorry, I have no time to follow.’ ‘ I don’t want to follow.’ But we want the second – the desires to be fulfilled. How is it possible? You can’t have the pudding and eat it too! You can’t have the cake and eat it too! Impossible!

So, Swami said, "Many of the wishes are not fulfilled. Why? You don’t follow the command." We don’t follow the command. This is the message He conveyed that morning which we were all very, very happy to hear that day.


(9) "I shall not forsake you, even if you forsake Me."

One tall student was trying to come close to Swami, leaping over the crowd, and he succeeded in passing an invitation to Swami.

Swami compassionately took that invitation from him and said, "Is it your wedding?"

"No, no, Swami, my elder brother’s wedding."

"Oh-ho. Your elder brother also was a student of our college. Now he’s working. Oh I see. This is wedding card. Stay here." He went inside, brought a bag with clothes to be presented to the bridegroom. He gave that bag to that boy.

" Give this bag to your brother. He was the student of our college. Very good boy!" Then He materialized a ring and asked this boy to wear it, to be passed on the bridegroom later. "Hey! You don’t take it yourself. You give it to your brother, you understand?"

"OK, Swami."

Here is the lesson, very important lesson:

Swami asked that boy, "Tell your brother, who is an old student of our college, tell him, though he has forgotten Me, I have not forgotten him! Though he has forgotten Me, I have not forgotten him. Please tell him."

"I will not forget you, even if you forget Me."

"I shall not forsake you, even if you forsake Me."

"I will remember."


(10) Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

There was once a famous writer in Telugu literature, known to everybody all over the state, who came here after a long gap of time. Swami showered His love on him. Bhagavan came and said, "What! You think of Me after eleven years!?! You came here eleven years ago. Now you come here. What happened to all these eleven years?"

He thought to himself, ‘How did Swami remember eleven years? Am I the only fellow here?’

"I could not come, Swami," he said.

(He could have kept quiet. Sometimes silence is gold, more so in the Presence of Swami! More we speak, more of our follies are exhibited! The depth, intensity, magnitude of foolishness is made public. So better we remain silent!)

He could have said, "I am sorry, Swami. It is my fate."

Then Swami said, "If you really want to come, then could you not come here? Where there’s a will, there’s a way. If you really want to come, there’s no path leading to this place?"

That man could only bend down his head in shame.

This episode applies to every one of us, to convince us that Swami will never forget us. We’ll never be forgotten in spite of gap of time.


(11) Bhagavan is our Parent.

Another thing happened: One boy was playing on veena in the auditorium. I was lucky enough to get the seat by His chair that day. Swami was enjoying the whole program. Suddenly He said, "Anil Kumar, come, come. That fellow, I performed the marriage of his parents. I performed the marriage of his grandparents. Now he is buffalo. He’s looking like buffalo now." Now the buffalo is ready for the marriage to be performed by Swami now!

Swami was so happy – the spirit of a parent, how parents feel happy when children grow up! He was so happy to see that fellow! "He’s like a donkey! He studied there with our Ooty boys. He studied in our Ooty School." Bhagavan expressed His feelings with a sense of joy, a sense of fulfillment, having started an institution for them. He was so happy.


(12) We may forget, but He never forgets.

Last year another fellow came along with devotees from Kerala during the Onam Festival presented here. All professionals came. They were giving a music performance that evening. Swami suddenly looked at me and said, "Hey! You know that fellow!"

"Swami, who?"

"He studied here. He’s an MBA boy. Now he’s playing along with TV actors, all-India radio. He’s a professional. He’s our boy only!"

"Swami?" I know that, but still I want to make the Divine Mother happy. "Swami, did he study here?"

"Eh! You’re working there! Don’t you know your own boys?"

"Oh, Swami, I vaguely remember, but not clearly, not as clearly as You remember."

"Eh! He studied in Primary School here. Twelve years. Three years degree. Two years PG. How nicely he’s singing, eh? Hey, sit down."

We may forget, but He never forgets.

He never forgets. In fact, He looked at a lady and said, "I gave you lingam ten years ago. What are you doing with it now?"


(13) God remembers everybody and He cares for us.

Not only that. While distributing sarees, He stops at one place, "Ah, take this. No! Same color I gave you last year. This year you take another color!"

He must have distributed a few lakhs of sarees to few lakhs of people. How does He remember the color of the saree presented to that lady and could know the same color was given last year? So, a different color better now. It is only God who could know that!

God remembers everybody and He cares for us.


(14) They live in trust.

I also wanted to tell you what happened with children from London who presented a program recently. 130 children. The program presented by London children, no one could ever equal it – best performance, best music, best dances, quick movements. Swami was very, very happy about it. He went on telling about it, "See, quick, quick, quick, quick, whereas you fellows, trick, trick, trick. They could present nicely. Why? They live in trust, whereas you live in rest. You live in rest, whereas they live in trust. That is the difference."

God does not hide anything. He openly tells you, even if you are offended. There’s nothing like hide-and-seek with Him.


(15) How women are superior to men

Another thing He said: "In London, there’s one Bal Vikas guru. Very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very great devotee." Then Swami explained. Sometime back when she was returning, she got the news that her husband died. But till that lady went home, after completing all the things to be done, she returned immediately and reported to Swami.

And Baba said, "She did not shed a tear. She did not cry. Why? She has understood Swami’s teachings. She’s living Sai’s teaching." Baba tells, "All things come and pass off. All are passing clouds. Good and bad, they come and go. There’s not even a single permanent cloud. She knows it. Just as every medicine has got two dates – the date of manufacturing and the date of expiry – this life has got the date of birth gone and the date of death hidden. So she was so great she could take it."

Then I said, "Swami, one in million may be having that understanding."

Bhagavan immediately said, "No, no. There are many people like that." He said many.

Then He added, "Of course, they are ladies. None among men!"

"Swami, Ladies?"

"Yes! Ladies have got the devotion. Ladies can withstand any kind of tension. They have got utter surrender, therefore they are able to be like that."

"Swami, Your Creation is defective: You created a woman like that, as to resist, and created man so soft, he cannot take it."

He said, "Nothing wrong with My Creation. It’s your vision that’s defective. Your outlook, your vision, your sight is defective. Nothing is wrong with My Creation."

Then I want to take another chance: "Swami, men have so many responsibilities! Maybe one of the reasons why they are not like women. Full-time devotees, full surrender – they have no other job. We have so many responsibilities."

Bhagavan has become a champion for the cause of women’s liberation movement! Or an attorney, representing women case! Advocate.

He said, "Responsibility, chi! Women have more responsibility."

"What responsibility, Swami, what?"

"Responsibility to the husband, responsibility to the children, responsibility to the family, and responsibility to the prestige and the dignity of the family. She has so many responsibilities. Men don’t have that many responsibilities."

Gone, my case is gone. I wanted to make a last attempt. Let the case go. At least let me place my arguments!

I said, "Swami, men have many avocations."

Swami was about to go. I should have kept quiet. Again, I got into the risk! Bhagavan, who was going, turned back and said, "What avocations!? Chi! (an expression of disgust) Useless avocations!"

So avocations are of two types: useful and useless.

"Swami, useless?"

"Yes, useless!"

"Right, Swami." To be let down is one thing. Much to the pleasure of others is another thing!

"Swami, what?"

"Useless avocations you have. The husband returns from the office and he claims as if he is very much tired. In fact he is not very much tired. Actually he takes 10 cups of coffee in the office but pretends that he is tired. The poor lady out of pity and love for him brings for him cup of coffee. The fellow enjoys coffee, relaxed, sitting in an easy chair. And then this fellow gets up, goes to the club and plays cards. Is that the avocation? Chi! Playing cards, going to clubs, enjoying the company, talking with friends! Are they avocations of men? Chi! Women don’t have that avocation. They always think of the family. They pray for the prosperity of the irresponsible husband! The wife prays, ‘Let my husband come up in life.’ No man has that spirit!"

So Swami spoke that evening during the staging of the program of children from London, explaining why and how women are superior to men in every possible way.

So Bhagavan made us feel very happy, though with some reservation.

(16) Where there is love, there is unconditional sacrifice, unconditional service, and nothing is expected in return.

Then Bhagavan also appreciated the drama staged by devotees from Germany, particularly that lady who played the role of Elizabeth. That lady who played that role of Elizabeth served everybody, rendered service to everyone, the poor and needy alike, though a person who received help from her harmed her, criticized her, condemned her, disowned her, yet she continued to serve.

Swami was so happy. Where there is love, there is unconditional sacrifice, unconditional service, nothing is expected. Nothing is expected in return. That is pure Love.


Om… Shanti…Shanti…Shanti…

Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu!

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